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Latest Updates from Our Project:
April Update - Timelines and Additional Info for Minis and Books!
almost 2 years ago
– Sun, Apr 30, 2023 at 10:55:44 AM
Hello everyone!
I hope you had a fantastic April! Today is walpurgisnacht, the night of witches, so what could possible be a better time for an update? I'm writing this while under a pretty gnarly flu-esque sickness (not the flu though! got tested for that), so I hope you're feeling on top form, and if you're not, I'm right there with you!
But regardless of flu, it's time to post the April update, so let's get into it!
So if you remember our two part march updates, I explained that we're gonna be switching gears and fulfilling orders as soon as the items get to our warehouses, starting as soon as the books arrive to our warehouse. I said I'll give you more details about timelines on april, and guess what, here they are!
So, first of all, not on timeline, but I can now confidently say that theCollector's Edition of Hexbound will feature gold foil in its cover! I don't know if that's exciting to y'all, but it was something I really, really wanted to do when we were talking about a collector's edition, and it's happening! The title and star details of the cover will be in beautiful shiny gold foil, and we'll also see gold foil details in the spine and back of the book. I'm irrationally excited about that! I've referred to this as a possibility before, but now we've crunched the numbers and we're doing it! I feel like it really delivers on the collector's edition feel. Both versions of the bookcovers (collectors and regular) will feature spot glossing!
So about timelines. Really good news! Basically how it goes is they need to send me proofs of the books, I need to approve them, and then once that is over we are looking at a production time of 3 to 5 weeks, that's potentially less than a month! Of course, then we have to account for the time it takes to ship the books into our warehouses, but we'll be seeing those books soon! I'll show the proofs of the books as soon as I get them, I cannot wait to show them!
So if you remember, there was a miscommunication with regards to the size of the minis (they basically did 4 large-creature minis, when it should have been 1 large creature and 3 medium ones). We've received the corrections of the minis and we're approving them as they go. Because we have to approve them before they can get into actual production, we're waiting on the last of the corrections to get an estimate of the production timeline. I'm gonna add some graphics of the corrections so you can see the work our manufacturers are doing to bring the minis to a playable scale:
As you can see, 99% of the corrections are just thickening the really really skinny parts of the models so they are hardier and easier to play with/paint. As I explained in the last update, the main goal is to make it so that these see as much play as possible!
And as you can also see, we're waiting on the very last correction and then we'll be good to go into production! The manufacturer has really picked up the pace to rectify the sizing problem. We'll have that correction soon and I can give you more specifics on timeline!
We also have an update on cards! We've sent over the animated spell cards, since all animations are done, and we've finished the design of the cards. They look really nice! Here are some examples so you can see
As soon as the reference cards are done (we're doing that right now) these will go to print. Our manufacturer has told us that the turnaround is pretty quick, but I'll have more of an established timeline soon!
And that's it! The rest is done!
As always, I'll update you next month with all new information on where exactly we are in the production process and if there are any changes. We truly cannot wait to start fulfilling (and I personally cannot wait until I have those book proofs in my hands!!!) If I get them early, I'll definitely be posting a small update before the may one is due!
Have Questions? Reach Out!
As always, you can direct all your questions to our incredibly talented Support Witches!
And that concludes our April update! I hope this was clear, but as always, leave any questions in the comments or reach us through our email. I hope you have a fantastic walpurgisnacht, and I'll see you next month with more updates!
PART 2 of March Update - Video Update! Shipping, Minis, Timeline updates, and more!
almost 2 years ago
– Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 12:02:10 PM
Hello everyone!
I hope everyone is doing good! We just saw each other a bit more than a week ago, but we're back, as we discussed last time, with our video update this month!
Video Update
We decided to do a video update to explain how we're going to be handling shipping and fulfilment as we get closer to it, as well as update you on how everything is going. We wanted to show the minis too, and we thought that a video format would make it much easier to see the difference, you'll see!
However, we realize that not everybody prefers video updates, so we're also putting the entirety of the video update script below if you prefer to read!
(Also please ignore the fact that I look very mad in this thumbnail, we can't choose what kickstarter picks as a thumbnail for an embedded video lol)
Video Script
Here's the full video script I followed for the video update!
I'm also adding the only image that is included in the video, so you can see what the video talks about:
Single Pages for V.2
Just a quick little update tacked on at the end of this video update: You can now go on to your Digital Downloads on Backerkit and download the single page version of Hexbound (V.2)! You should also get an email telling you this, but because Backerkit struggles a bit with the email (sometimes taking up to a day to do so), you can go directly to your digital downloads tab and get it there right now.
Next Update
Our April update will concentrate on the updated timelines for the last pieces of physical goods that are still in production, as well as any updates on the beginning of shipping and backerkit, and of course if there's anything else new to update you with!
Have Questions? Reach Out!
As always, you can direct all your questions to our incredibly talented Support Witches!
Ok! That marks the end of this 2 part march update! As we come ever closer to the start of fulfilment, I couldn't be more excited to get everything on to your hands. As I've said in the video, I can only apologize for the mixup on minis, but I can assure you that we and our manufacturer are working round the clock to fix the size of these as fast as possible, and physical books are almost done. I'll come to you in April with more concrete dates for both of these items and with news on fulfilment in general. Thank you so much for your patience and I'll keep you updated with any news!
Cheers, and see you in April,
PART 1 of March Update - Questions about the Campaign!
almost 2 years ago
– Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 11:04:18 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
January Update! OGL update (all good!), update on minis, printing, cards, and fulfillment in general!
about 2 years ago
– Sun, Jan 29, 2023 at 04:03:37 PM
Hello everyone!
I hope that everyone had a nice long break with any December holidays, and that you’re all enjoying a fresh new start with 2023. We have been busy as always with emails flying back and forth between us and the manufacturers to consolidate all of that witchy goodness into one cauldron. And we’re almost there! We have a ton to discuss so let's get to it:
OGL update
So, as many of you are likely already aware, Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro have caused quite a stir in the last few weeks with the OGL situation. I have been following it alongside many of the 3rd party publishers, and creators, as well as the community at large, both by private channel as we learned of updates to it before the rest of the public, and publicly when several of those rumors turned out to be false while others were confirmed true.
To get the important stuff out of the way regarding this project: Regardless of the final word on the OGL, Hexbound is confirmed to be unaffected by it. We wanted to make absolutely sure that this was the case before speaking publicly about it, as it's very important for me to make sure that the information I update you with is correct. I apologize for the silence on that front, but I did not want to say anything until things were official, since the situation was evolving and changing very quickly. I'm very happy to hear the very recent news that OGL 1.0a has been firmly upheld, and look forward to seeing all of the 3rd party creativity that will come out of it. It's important, however, to note that this is not yet a legal document, but a promise to make good on those fronts. Regardless of what the final word is on this whole situation, however, I'll be very clear in saying that Hexbound is unaffected by it because we published our PDF well before due date, and of course well before any mention of changes to the OGL were on the horizon.
Okay, that was the not so fun part of the update, but a very important part! With that out of the way and all OGL-related fears put to rest, let's get into goodies!
The Minis are in my hand!
I have received the PU samples from the manufacturers, and they look awesome! There was a bit of feedback that I’ve already sent over to them, so we’re just waiting on updates for that. Let me show you some pictures! As a reminder: these are pictures I took myself in my own house! These are not pictures taken at the facility that is manufacturing, but the testing samples they've sent to me for approval. We're ever closer to finalizing minis!
As another reminder from previous updates: Minis are the most costly and longest to produce physical reward from Hexbound, and we're well on track! These are samples, however, so keep in mind that some changes might come from them to the final final product. I'll of course update you with any changes, do not fret!
I'm very happy to say that the final tweaks on the print-version of the Hexbound book have been finished, and it is in the hands of the printing facility. We've caught some final errata (2 in fact) in this v.2 that have been corrected before being sent off to print. These have been corrected and we'll be releasing a V.2.1 pdf with these two corrected during February just so you have it to (we're very serious about errata!). This version will be with the single pages for tablet users as well as the double spreads, for ease of use in both mobile devices and desktop computers. We are currently in talks with our layout designer and the printing facility about how to make the cover the best it can possibly with spot glossing etc. I don't wanna give too much away, but we'll have more specifics hopefully next month on that front. Just know that we're working on it!
Cards! (Both Animated and Reference)
As per our previous update, all animations for the spell cards are done and the text is all ready to go! Now that our printing file is ready, our layout artist is ready to finalize the design for these and then they'll be off to print very, very soon!
And just to recap: The dice are completely finalized and awaiting to be shipped and so are the Hexbound pins! Hopefully the rest of the physical goodies will join them soon and be sent off!
Have Questions? Reach Out!
As always, you can direct all your questions to our incredibly talented Support Witches! Simply whisper an incantation in the center of your ritualistic space of choice, or send them an email!
Again, I do want to say thanks so much for your patience. It has been a hard adventure fielding curveballs from the OGL situation. If you have been following it, you'd know how quickly the situation changed and how much conflicting information was given by all sorts of sources throughout, so I wanted to make sure that when speaking about Hexbound we had a clear view as to how exactly this would affect us, and you cannot imagine how happy I am to say that the answer to that is: not at all! Of course, I support all third party content, being a third party content creator myself, so the recent news are very encouraging and I'm very happy to see it! I would also be remiss if I didn't thank you, as you are part of the community that made their voice heard and stood by third party products, so thank you! I'll be back next month with more updates for you as we near the finish line for all the different goodies! Until then, see you soon!
November Update! V.2 IS HERE! & Physical Goods update: Mini Samples done and Printing!
about 2 years ago
– Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 04:43:12 AM
Hello everyone!
Happy November! If you celebrate thanksgiving, I hope you had a fun one! There's a whole bunch to talk about during this update so let's do away with preambles and get right into it!
V.2 is HERE!
Yes! V.2 of Hexbound is done and sent to all backers!
Sorry for the wait for v.2 everyone, but I'm so happy to say that you should have already received your email/will be receiving your email very very soon with v.2! V.2 Includes all the changes from error hunters, grammar corrections, updates on layout, changes big and small to text, rebalancing of stat blocks, updates to wording throughout the book, expansions on content warnings for adventures, and more! There are many changes, but they are all quite small (a lot of layout changes to prepare the book for print, for example).
Remember, we do the distribution of v.2 just like we did for v.1: through backerkit! Therefore, in order to receive it, you should have completed your backerkit survey. If you have received v.1, no sweat, v.2 is coming to you.
If you completed the survey, received v.1 through email, and haven't received v.2, don't worry just yet. Backerkit can be a bit slow to get emails to everyone, sometimes it can take up to a day! Some people on the Hexbound discord said that they didn't receive the email immediately, but they logged into backerkit, went to check their digital downloads, and V.1 was there waiting for them, so you can try that too. Otherwise, wait for a minute and it should be making its way to you in no time!
With regards to Spreads vs Single Pages, don't worry, the single page version is coming very very soon. I just had spreads made and ready to go before hand, so mobile users won't have to wait for long. Be on the lookout for that single pages email coming!
Physical Good Updates
I have so many updates regarding physical goods: Here's a recap of the previous ones
Dice are DONE
Pins are DONE
Animations are DONE
And now let's get into the new ones!
Mini samples are done!
Here are the samples of the Hexbound minis! As you know, minis are the thing that takes the longest to make, and we're almost done with them!
Samples will be approved, and then the actual production is a much quicker process. We expect to be done with minis early next year (the estimated date for the end of production of minis is end of february), this should be similar to physical books (i'll talk about them in a second!), so it should all coalesce quite nicely! Here is an extended look at final Hexbound minis ready to be mass produced
These are not 3D renders! These are the actual sculpts!!! This is what will be sent your way if you bought the minis!
Now that V.2 is done, Physical Books can go to print!
If you remember from our previous updates, we were waiting for V.2 to be done and over in order for us to start printing! Well, v.2 being done, we can start doing that now! I'll have a more detailed outlook on printing soon, but it will not be nearly as long as minis (not even a fraction), so we can start on that final step! Ditto with cards, which we were also waiting on the very final text to start production.
And that's all we have for now! I'll be sure to update you during December of any new developments!
Have Questions? Reach Out!
As always, you can direct all your questions to our incredibly talented Support Witches! Simply whisper an incantation in the center of your ritualistic space of choice, or send them an email!
That concludes our November update! I'm so glad to finally have v.2 out and for things to be so close to done! As always, thank you for your patience as we work on all the different moving parts, it's nice to see them finally come into their final form! See you soon with more!