
Hexbound: A Witchy Supplement for 5e

Created by Hit Point Press and Antonio Demico

Bewitch both Players and GMs alike with this brand new supplement!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

October Update! V.2 and Physical Goodies update!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 10:24:51 AM

Hello everybody!

Hope spooky month is treating you all great! September had no new developments, but now I come with TONS of news regarding Hexbound v.2 and more! Let's get right into it!

Pins are done!

Pins are finalized and ready to ship! If you remember our last update, we went through some revisions for them because we wanted them to come out just perfect. We're super happy with the results that we have for them, and they are now joining the club with all the other goodies that are ready to go!

Animations are done!

If you remember last time, we were having some issues regarding the animated spells, and those issues are done! We now have all animated spells ready to go for their cards!

Here's one!

The animation for Demetria's Floating Palaquin

Dice are Done!

This is not news, since they have been done for a minute, but just so everyone knows where we are with everything, Dice are also done and ready to ship!

Still hard at work on minis!

Minis are still in production. This isn't news since minis are the thing that takes the most time to fully complete, but just letting you know that is still happening and we're hard at work on them!

Hexbound V.2 update!

We're still working on Hexbound v.2! Long story short, we are upgrading all images on Hexbound so they look as crisp and neat as possible when printed, which has set us back a bit. We're still hard at work on it and we're pretty confident we will have v.2 ready for you to go through soon, I wanna say November! In case it isn't ready for november for whatever reason you'll be the first to know! In the meantime, remember that you can always access v.1 of Hexbound on backerkit! It's available to all backers and contains the same information (and of course the full book) minus the changes done after error hunters. Once V.2 is ready they'll go to print and we'll be one step closer to all physical goods reaching their forever homes!

Have Questions? Reach Out!

As always, you can direct all your questions to our incredibly talented Support Witches! Simply whisper an incantation in the center of your ritualistic space of choice, or send them an email!

[email protected]

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And that concludes our October update! Not particularly spooky, but super happy to see the progress! We're closer and closer to the finalization of all of Hexbound's physical goodies, exciting!!! I'll see you all very soon, in the mean time have a spooky (and safe) Halloween if you celebrate it, and if not, have a fantastic October!



August Update! V.2 Update, pin update, a bunch of updates!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 06, 2022 at 05:27:08 PM

Hello everyone!

I write to you a couple of days into september, happy labor day if you celebrate it! It’s been quite a busy month with us updating and tweaking everything, but we are so excited to share what we’ve done with you all. Last month, the update was limited to backers only by mistake! We ourselves cannot change that, only kickstarter itself can, so for those that couldn’t see last month’s update, let’s start with a quick recap of that as well as our August activities!


We released V.1 of Hexbound as soon as it was written, and had our Error Hunters comb through it and report any typos or tweaks. We took that combed version and sent it to our publishers and had some professionals take a look at it. Here are some changes that will be in V.2:

Of course, error hunters corrections

  • Backgrounds are in alphabetical order
  • Spells are in level order and within that level order they are in alphabetical order (so level 1 spells first, and all level 1 spells are in alphabetical order, if that makes sense)
  • Subclasses are in alphabetical order
  • Wording has changed throughout the book to make some concepts clearer (the what is a witch section has the most added wording)
  • Balance changes to monster stat blocks

We got all of those changes made and then our publisher did one final check to make sure everything was optimized for printing. They weren’t super major, but we got those things corrected and sent over to our layout artist to be implemented in V2.0!

  • Language and mechanics were tightened up and clarified in spell descriptions.
  • All of the items have been assigned type, attunement, and rarity.
  • Terminology and wording throughout the supplement have been made to be consistent.
  • Several rounds of sensitivity readings have been completed and suggestions have been implemented.

Physical Goodies Updates (Recap AND updates)!

As for the physical goodies, we have been corresponding with our manufacturers and making sure they have everything they need. We have everything either well under way or totally done, so you can get your hands on these witchy trinkets soon!

  • Dice: Hexbound dice are DONE! They are being very patient little rocks while they wait to be sent out to their rightful owners.
  • Pins: Pins went through a round of color corrections, but are now good to go and are being produced! We have some pics attached below.
  • Minis: Minis are the lengthiest to produce. At the moment our 3D files have been reworked to ensure that they work as minis, manufacturer has been paid, and now they are deep in the production progress!

Animated spell cards: We are still finishing the very last animations! As you all know, Hit Point Press has the production of these cards down to science, so as soon as those animations are done we can jump into the production of the cards and have them ready to go!

If you remember our last update, we talked about some of the color fixes that needed to happen with pins. I'm happy to say that those are done and production has started! Here is a look at the final designs and colors for the pins:

Pin 1 is the final one, Pin 2 is the older version!
The star behind the sword has been changed, no more greenish tint! Also, the sword color has changed to distinguish itself from the smoke!

Hexbound V.2!

In our last update, we talked about V.2 needing some last minute changes for printing, as well as some tweaks to the language of certain spells. We thought that the V.2 pdf would be ready for august, but it's looking like it will take a smidge more time. We really want V.2 to be absolutely perfect as it's the one that is going to print, so we'll be hopefully releasing it in september once those changes are done. We will be updating you if anything else changes. Regardless, as soon as V.2 is done it'll be on backerkit for all to enjoy just like V.1 is now, so not much more waiting for that!

As a reminder, we are waiting on production of all the different moving parts to be done for us to send all the physical goodies as one package, instead of a bunch of different packages, so this will not delay fulfilment of the physical versions of Hexbound at all!

Have Questions? Reach Out!

As always, you can direct all your questions to our incredibly talented Support Witches! Simply whisper an incantation in the center of your ritualistic space of choice, or send them an email!

[email protected]

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And that concludes our August update! Sorry to those that couldn't access the july update, it truly was by mistake and by the time we realized it, we could not switch it so that everyone could see it! This recap and new updates will bring everyone up to speed! More to come at the end of september, until then, I wish you the very best!



July Update! V.2 is DONE and update on ALL physical goodies!
about 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 23, 2022 at 09:41:09 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

May Update! V.2 is complete and corrected! On to layout V.2 and then printing!
about 2 years ago – Sun, Jun 12, 2022 at 05:07:59 AM

Hello everybody!

I hope the month of may treated you well!

We were busy finalizing all of V.2, and now we can say that the text is done! Let's get into it

V.2 is complete! Thank you error hunters!

Thanks to the work of our brave error hunters, the text of V.2 has been corrected! That means that V.2 can now be sent on for layout, and then once layout is done it'll be ready for print!

V.2 is not just some grammar mistakes that we have corrected, we're also changing the order in which stuff is presented in the book, moving sections around, alphabetizing some lists, and generally improving the flow of the book, so layout will take its time, but we aim to finish it as soon as possible and we'll give you monthly updates on the process as always!

I'll also be sharing updates and sneak peeks on the layout of V.2 in the next update (provided we don't have it by then!)

After layout is completed we'll proceed onto printing, which is the final stage. Remember though, we will ship all physical goodies at the same time, so even if printing is done, we must still wait for all the other goodies to be ready!

Error Hunting Goodies

To thank the amazing work of those that participated in Error Hunters, we're hard at work on their rewards! They should be coming very shortly. More info on the next update! You can check the rewards in the error hunting update.

Other Physical Goodies

Just to give you a quick update as to where the other physical goodies are, let's do a lightning round of those!

  • Dice are in production, soon to be finished!
  • All cards animations are almost complete, and then they're off to production!
  • Minis are in production as well! These are the ones that take the most time but we started early, so all is good
  • Physical Book needs to go through layout again (that's V.2), and then it's ready for print!
  • Pins are in production and should be finished very very soon

And that's the lightning round! As always, I'll come back to you with any news on anything we're currently working on if anything changes, but we're full steam ahead!

Arcane Eye App!

As I've said before, the tech for the Arcane Eye App has been ready for a minute! We've done some more testing on apple products since we developed it for Android first, and we were waiting on the corrections on V.2 to add all stat blocks to the app. Now that those are done we can start doing that! We're currently at that stage, and then we need to test the AR tech on the new version of the layout to ensure that all works well with the app. We're also adding a library function so that those that use phones without AR capabilities (or just want to quickly access all stat blocks without needing to find them in the book first) can do so through the library, sweet!

Have Questions? Reach Out!

As always, you can direct all your questions to our incredibly talented Support Witches! Simply whisper an incantation in the center of your ritualistic space of choice, or send them an email!

[email protected]

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And that's our May update! As we head into June, we'll keep you informed of all the progress we make as we tackle the different sides of production. I want to say thank you one last time to those that have helped with the error hunters program, and I'll see you very soon for our june update!



April Update! Error Hunters, Physical Goodies, and more!
over 2 years ago – Wed, May 25, 2022 at 02:41:00 AM

Hello everybody!

Long time no see! We've been hard at work with error hunters and physical goodies, let me tell you all about it!

Error Hunters

Error hunters has been a success! Thank you to everyone that has participated! It was really fun to go through the discord, and participation since Dragon Stew (my last project to use Error Hunters) has increased! Thank you once again to all participants.

Because we got a couple of errors in the last 2 weeks, I'm extending the period two weeks more, until the 8th of may more precisely. This way we ensure that nothing can escape our hunters' eyes! I don't want this extension to delay anything, so we'll start correcting the text from now, and just add anything if something else comes up.

Book Timeline

Let's talk book timeline!

We are starting corrections now, towards the end of April, in less than a month we'll have the errors corrected, the layout changes we want to make, and more, which means we can start working on V.2! Once V.2 is done (with layout changes included), we can send that over for print and then it's just a waiting game! I'll always keep you posted if anything comes up of course, but we are well on track!

Physical Goodies (and the app!)

Physical goodies are also well on their way. Some take more time than others (pins are almost done). We're also working with layout to make sure that our app, the Arcane Eye, works as well as it can (the app is dependent on the layout!), we're also testing it on screens so those that bought a digital edition can also play around with it (although the need for the app while browsing a digital edition is less clear than those using a physical edition). The main development of the app is done (regarding specifically the AR technology we're using), right now we're focusing on testing on new phones and doing some layout changes so that the app has an easier time recognizing each image. We're also working on animated spell cards. Let me show you some! Can you guess which one is which spell?

As soon as we have some physical pictures of the goodies, i'll definitely share them with you! As always and like i've said before, we're waiting on all the physical goodies to be done before sending them, since shipping costs would be so much higher if we sent them separately (image what that would be for those that bought collectors editions!).

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Have Questions? Reach Out!

As always, you can direct all your questions to our incredibly talented Support Witches! Simply whisper an incantation in the center of your ritualistic space of choice, or send them an email!

[email protected]

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And that's the update for today! There wasn't much to say for this one other than how error hunters turned out, but I wanted to update y'all on everything else too, even if it is to say "we're hard at work on it!". As always, I'll be the first one to let you know if anything changes, and I am happy to say I'll still see you in the error hunters' channel, at least for two weeks!

